Monday, February 28, 2011

The Perfect Pastor

I used to think that a Pastor was the superman of Christian, that some how he has arrived and is high above us worldly people. This same idea is true in many people, in or out of the church today. We see the Pastor as this sinless leader, full of faith and never lacking in any area of life. Wow... was I wrong...
I am now a pastor myself, and know many other pastors. One thing I learned very early is that there is no "Super-Christian".
James 5:17
Elijah was a man just like us. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years.
See James was calling Elijah, a man just like us. This means that there is no one that is expect from struggles and there is no one that is sinless. People will put their Pastor as this supreme being,  a person of Godliness that they could never attain, but this is so far from the truth. As a Pastor myself, I strive to live for holiness, I pray for a bold faith, and I believe that I am a overcomer. But sometimes that life of holiness feels like a joke, my faith feels weak, and I have been overcome by many things in my life. 
Right now in my life I have many things that needs praying for, a youth group that my heart longs to see get closer to God, and a family that needs their spiritual leader. Some days I feel like I feel all the roles that I am called to be, other days I feel like I fail at anything I put my hands to. I think if people would see that Pastors are people just like them, they would be able to not put them in a different group of Christians. 
I have seen God do amazing things, miracles, lives radically changed, blessings at just the right moment. When I feel like a failure I always look to God for my comfort, peace, joy, sound mind. When things are not going right for the "Perfect Pastor" I will humble myself and ask God for help. There is none that is perfect or righteous on their own. We need to look to Jesus as our example, Paul tells a church to follow his example as he follows Christ.
 That is all anyone can do, follow Jesus with everything you have. There will be doubts, fears, and unknowns in your life, but know that God can fill you with faith to get back on track to following him. So just remember there will be no perfect people in Heaven, just forgiven people. 

God Bless
Pastor Russell

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