Saturday, March 5, 2011

Do we Conform ??

Imagine if someone was deserted on a island, and happened to get a Bible and read it. Then they were rescued and brought to America. How excited do you think they would be to attend Church?!?!?! They just got done reading about the Church that was birthed out of Acts, and they wait patiently for Sunday to attend the local Church in their neighborhood. This person thinks they are about to walk into a place so different then the world he has been living in, a place full of love, joy, peace, and people giving sacrificially to help others. Then he enters the Church, greeted by one person at the door...finds a seat on a pew alone... and watches as everyone stands up for some songs, a guy gets up and talks to them about giving their money and then breaks down a couple of verses from the Bible and dismisses them. The crowd rushes out talking about where they will eat lunch that day, one or two people tell the man goodbye hope to see you next week and he walks out of the Church....shocked. Do you think this man would be disappointed?
Romans 12:2
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind...

I think we have conformed the Church to a point where we are not that much different then the world. So many things have become "standards" in the church culture, Christians are getting comfortable just coming to Church a couple of times a month without changing ANY of their actions or life choices. We have become desensitized from sin, conforming to the world's view on what is good and what is bad inside of what God's word says. Do we have a renewed mind? The mind of Christ? Are our thoughts on things above, like Colossians 3 tells us? Or have we conformed to this world. Is the only difference between us and the world is we spend a couple of hours at a church building on Sundays and sometimes Wednesdays?  
I say we be the Church that God calls us to be, to be transformed-New creations, that live our faith out with actions and truth. That we stop conforming to what the world wants us to be, and start conforming to be like Jesus. That we will be the Daniels in our Generation and even if we are the only one, do not bow to this world, but bow only to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

God Bless
Pastor Russell

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