I feel like I was asleep for the first 22years of my life, then I awoke and seen Jesus. Before that time my life was in utter darkness, blinding to truth and living for myself. I didn't know Jesus nor did I really believe that He really was alive, or even existed. When I encountered Jesus and surrendered my life to following him- it felt I woke up from a bad dream and was truly alive and free.
I started reading my Bible and praying and getting to know Jesus better. I started attending a great church and seen the this church reach out to the lost and hurting... the sleeping if you will... that didn't know Jesus. But a lot of other church members I talked to didn't seem to care to much about people outside their walls. The longer I was following Jesus the more I seen this in other Christians.. and then I wondered.. have they fallen back asleep ???
Ephesians 5:14
"...Wake up, O Sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."
We have a sleeping giant that needs to awaken. Many of the people filling our churches are still sleeping, they are attending church... they are not THE Church like Christ called them to be. We need to wake up and see that its time to let others see the light of Jesus. To reach out to the lost and dying of this world. There needs to be a great awakening in the church with her people and outside the church so others will see Jesus.
Because when you finally wake up, you will feel like you have rose from the dead.. a bad dream. So I am praying that a sleeping giant will rise up and let the light of Jesus shine throughout this world.
Pastor Russell
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