Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Do all roads lead home?

When we first was looking to take a Youth Pastor position here in Alva, Oklahoma we drove a certain road there that our GPS gave us to drive. After moving here and now driving to a lot of different places around Alva I have realized that there is  multiple ways to get to Alva taking different roads and going through different towns.... some ways are faster than others.
Even though there was many ways to get to Alva, you still had to take the "right" roads. If a person left somewhere to go somewhere else they would never just think that they could take any road and they would arrive at their detestation. If two people are on different roads heading different directions they will not end up in the same destination.
So all roads don't lead home, and all roads don't lead to Heaven either.

John 14:6 NLT - Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. 
No one can come to the Father except through me.

The only road to Heaven is through Jesus. If your life is heading in the same direction as everyone else who is not Christian, why do you think  you will have a different destination?! Living a life following Jesus, wanting what he wants, sacrificing your comfort to see his will be done here are Earth, and loving others around you with the Love of God that never fails- will lead you down a road that one day will end at Heaven's doors. 

With Love,
Pastor Russell